スクリーンショット 2018 03 21 9.27.05

ユニオン造形デザイン賞 2019 「インフラとしての建築」 / Union Design 2019 「Architecture as Infra-Structure」


When we think of infra-structure, most of people may think of roads, bridges, railroads, power lines, water & sewage systems, and other lines that support our lives. Even if we are not conscious about them often, they are essential to our lives. In addition, they connect to society, cities, and people in many ways. Recently, networks have positioned
as one of social infra-structure and necessity.
However, in Japan, architecture is treated as real estate with a short lifespan. Sometimes it is treated as a product like a car. That perception contributed to “Scrap & Build” in the high-growth period, and it might be pushing that recently architecture design is just surface (not system). We would like to rethink the architecture design.
In the same way that no one doubts the existence of roads and bridges, I would like to conceive of an architecture that will survive for many years without being questioned, and that will connect and support society, cities, and people in various ways. I don’t just mean a sturdy and long-lasting architecture. It could be a primitive, cave-like place, or a system that can continue for a long time while continuing to change materially, or even an infrastructure that is integrated with the energy supply of the future.
Try to envision architecture as a new kind of infrastructure, as if it has existed since time immemorial, as if it were a natural part of the world, but that no one has ever seen before. Draw a concrete image of the kind of architecture that will be indispensable for the new connections between people and between towns in the future. This may be the new form of architecture that society has been waiting for. I look forward to seeing the wonderful proposals that will open up the possibilities of the future.

送電網の切替えによって不要となった鉄塔に、蓄光・発電・ 蓄熱フィルターを階層ごとにかけることで、エネルギーを生み出し、日較差と煙突効果によって結露水を取得。鉄塔を拠点に、生活する集落を量産する。

I have noticed that the number of “uninhabitable areas” on the earth continues to increase due to the increasing desertification caused by deforestation and the radioactive contamination caused by the nuclear power plant accident. Instead of expanding cities and concentrating the population in a single place, we need to create small, dispersed bases and set up a system with redundancy.
By applying light-storing, power-generating, and heat-storing filters at different levels to steel towers that are no longer needed due to the switchover of the power grid, energy is generated, and condensation water is obtained through diurnal variation and the chimney effect. The steel towers will be used as a base for mass production of living villages.

  • Year: 2018
  • Category: N/A
  • Status: Proposed
  • Location: N/A

やましゃけ (Koh Yamasaki)

